Office (26)

KLR Consulting is the brainchild of three Directors...

who wanted to create a business to support organisations to embed things that sales functions often lack – the right talent, the right structure and the right processes.

Our business is based on our real-life knowledge and experience that we have gained, both within previous roles, but also the creation and development of our own outsourced telemarketing business, Premium Sales, which has been successfully operating for over 7 years, employing over 20 members of staff.

Our clients work with us...

because of our refreshing honest approach to sales. We are not your typical salespeople and provide a more personal, non-corporate style. We are innovative, creative and like to think outside the box. We understand individuals' challenges and motivations and work with them to create processes and structures that truly work.

Our clients work with us...

because of our refreshingly honest approach to sales. We are not your typical salespeople and provide a more personal, non-corporate style. We are innovative, creative and like to think outside the box. We understand individuals’ challenges and motivations and work with them to create processes and structures that truly work.

Kate Wass
Luke Smith
Becky Smith
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How often do you thank your customers?

Do you ever feel like you are constantly chasing new business but your sales figures aren’t increasing?
August 25, 2021

Meet The Team – Luke Smith

There are few men out there as brave as Luke Smith…Father to three boys, DIY extraordinaire husband
August 24, 2021